Recommended Read – The Disciple List

Recommended Read – The Disciple List

I have found another great serial novel in the WordPress that deserves promotion. The Disciple List is a “Post Apocalyptic” serial novel posted by Christina Ratcliffe. Like myself, this is her first serial novel. She hails from the UK, enjoys spooky things and is passionate about story telling in all its forms.

The Disciple List is a serial novel that Ms. Ratcliffe is posting online. WordPress has the first five chapters (which I have now read). She is posting the entire novel on JukePop for free.  The prologue opens with a strange event in which everything in the Universe seems to have frozen in place. Earthquakes and other natural disasters result wiping out a good portion of the Earth’s population and civilization as a whole.

The main chapters open following a cult like religion that says it is the “true way” and is not interested in working with the competition. We pick on the life of a young girl, Talia, whose semisecure life is shattered by seemingly random violence that results in the death of her father and the disappearance of her younger sister. Eventually we discover there may be a connection to the strange cult in the first chapter.

Ms Ratcliffe’s descriptions are detailed and add to the story. She adds details that add a sense of what life as a teenager might be like climbing cliffs and doing homework. She describe her characters well: we know what they look like, their interests, their weaknesses  and what is driving them.  The chapters are not so long as mine so they make a good lunch time read for people who have some time to catch up on their sci fi.

I encourage some good reading at this place.

Syd Dent


One thought on “Recommended Read – The Disciple List

  1. Thank you Syd. I can’t tell you how much it means to me that you’ve left such a great review on your site. You’re the first to promote my work so needless to say, this is a special event! I’m excited to get stuck into your own work, it sounds like it’s going to be an awesome read. Thanks again.


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